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Construction Label tags

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Morphological labels
v = construction is headed by Verb.
vPas = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Passive formative 
vPrf = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Perfect formative
vAor = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has an Aorist formative
vProg = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Progressive formative
vHab = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Habitual formative
vSm = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Subject Marker formative.  This and several following are used for languages where arguments must be marked on the verb according to syntactic function.
vOm = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has an Object Marker formative
vAgr = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has an Agreement formative (used only for languages/constructions where there is no contrast between Subject Marker and Object Marker)
vSmOm = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Subject Marker and an Object Marker formative	 
vAppl = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has an Applicative formative
vApplPas = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has an Applicative and a Passive formative
vCaus = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Causative formative
vCausPas = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Causative and a Passive formative
vCausAppl = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Causative and an Applicative formative
vCausApplPas = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Causative, an Applicative and a Passive formative
vCausSmOm = construction is headed by Verb and the verb has a Causative formative, a Subject Marker and an Object Marker

Core labels
intr = intransitive
tr = transitive
ditr = ditransitive
dbob = double object
intrObl = intransitive with an Oblique (PP) argument.
	(Ex.: Engl. He talks about John)
trObl = transitive with an oblique.
	(Ex.: Eng. He told Peter about the window)
ditrObl = ditransitive with oblique.
	(Ex.: Norw, Jeg kaster Ola kakestykker i ansiktet ’I throw Ola cakes in the face’ = “I throw cakes in the face of Ola”)
dbobObl = double object with oblique.
	(Ex.: Examples of dbobObl in Bantu 
intrScprSuNrg = the secondary predicate is predicated of a non-argument subject (i.e., a subject not serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb – a construction referred to as 'raising to subject'). 
	 (Ex.: Eng. he seems sick)
trScprObNrg = the secondary predicate is predicated of a non-argument object (i.e., an object not serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb – a construction sometimes referred to as 'raising to object'). 
	(Ex.: Eng. I saw him sleeping)
trScprObNrgRes = with a person-causer, a one-actant caused eventuality (incrementally or not), and the XACT of the predicative expressed as object (the object is not serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb). 
	(Ex.: Eng. he made the horse jump)
intrScprSuNrgCsd = the secondary predicate is predicated of a non-argument subject (i.e., a subject not serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb – i.e., a case of 'raising to subject'), and the matrix verb is part of the description of an event causing the situation described by the secondary predication. 
	(Ex.: Norw. landsbyen snør ned 'the village snows down' ~ “the village gets snowed under”)
trScprObNrgCsd = the secondary predicate is predicated of a non-argument object (i.e., an object not serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb – raising to object'), and the matrix verb (together with its subject) is part of the description of an event causing the situation described by the secondary predication. 	(Ex.: Norw. han sang rommet tomt 'he sang the room empty')
trScprObArgConcurr = the secondary predicate is predicated of an argument object (i.e., an object serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb), and the matrix verb (together with its subject) is part of the description of an event concurrent with the situation described by the secondary predication. 
	(Ex.: Eng. he drank the coffee warm)
intrScprSuArgCsd = the secondary predicate is predicated of an argument subject (i.e., a subject serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb), and the matrix verb (together with its subject) is part of the description of an event causing the situation described by the secondary predication. 
	(Ex.: Norw. kaffen koker bort 'the coffee boils away')
trScprObArgCsd = the secondary predicate is predicated of an argument object (i.e., an object serving as semantic argument of the matrix verb), and the matrix verb (together with its subject) is part of the description of an event causing (incrementally or in one event) the situation described by the secondary predication. 	 
	(Ex.: Eng. he kicked the ball flat)
intrImpers = impersonal intransitive, i.e., subject is an expletive not linked to any other item in the clause, and there is no participant expressed as direct argument.	 
	(Ex.: Eng. it snows)
intrImpersPrtcl = impersonal intransitive with an aspectual particle. The notion ‘particle’ is here construed as a GF, with POS generally adverb. The aspectual value is mainly completive or continuative, depending on verb and adverb.
	(Ex.: Norw. det klarner opp   'it clears up')
intrImpersObl = impersonal intransitive with an Oblique argument. 
	(Ex.:Norw. det synger i fjellene   'it sings in the mountains'-‘one can hear singing from inside the mountains’)
intrPresnt = intransitive presentational, i.e., an expletive subject and an indefinite NP (the 'presented' NP) occupying the post-verbal position. What counts as ‘presentational construction’ varies considerably across languages, including – even relative to one language - the status of the ‘presented’ NP.
	(Ex.: Eng. there remains a problem)
intrPresntPath = intransitive presentational with a Path adverbial. 	 
	(Ex.: Norw. det springer en mann nedover bakken 'there runs a man down the hillside')
intrPresntLoc = intransitive presentational with a Locative adverbial. 
	(Ex.: Norw. det sitter en mann i stolen  'there sits a man in the chair')
intrImplobj = intransitive with an ‘implicit object’.
  	(Ex.: Eng. he ate)
intrPath = intransitive with a Path adverbial.
	 (Ex.: Eng. he drove to Finnmark)
intrLoc = intransitive with a (‘bound’) locative adverbial.
	 (Ex.: Eng. he lives in Finnmark)
intrAdv = intransitive with a (‘bound’) Manner adverbial.
	 (Ex.: Eng. he functions well)
intrPrtcl = intransitive with an aspectual particle (cf. intrImpersPrtcl above).
	 (Ex.: Norw. regnet varer ved 'the rain lasts')
intrComp = intransitive with a sentential complement. ‘Complement’ is here a sentential constituent governed by the verb but not satisfying standard criteria of objecthood. 
	(Ex.: Eng.  I wonder if he is coming;
 	 Ex.: Ga Yoo lɛ e-tee ní e-ya-he wolo lɛ ‘The woman has gone to buy a book’)
intrScprSuNrgPrtcl = intransitive with a secondary predicate and a particle (aspectual value indicated in slot 5, cf. intrImpersPrtcl above; the type is otherwise like intrScprSuNrg above).
  	(Ex.: Norw. gutten høres syk ut ’boy-DEF sound-PRES sick out’)
intrLghtScpr = intransitive light verb with a secondary predicate. The ‘lightness’ of the verb resides formally in its being unified with the subsequent predicate. 
	(Ex.: Eng. the house stands empty)
intrAuxperf = perfect auxiliary construction, analyzed as ‘raising’ from a verbal secondary predicate. 
	  (Ex.: Eng. he has arrived) 
intrAuxmodEpist = ‘epistemic’ modal auxiliary construction, analyzed as ‘raising’ from a verbal secondary predicate. 
  	(Ex.: Eng.  he will arrive) 
intrAuxmodRoot = ‘root’ modal auxiliary construction, analyzed as an ‘equi’ construction
	(Ex.: Eng. he can sing) 
intrExpn = intransitive with an 'extraposed' clause. Extraposed clauses (term from transformational grammar) are connected to an expletive pronoun holding the GF to which the semantic role of the clause is connected (and from which they were ‘moved’). Related constructions: trExpnSu, trExpnOb, intrOblExlnk, intrPrtclOblExlnk.
	 (Ex.: Eng. it seems that he is sick)
intrPrtclExpn = intransitive with an 'extraposed' clause and adverbial particle. (Comments as for intrExpn above.)
	(Ex.: Eng. it came out that he was sick)
intrOblExpn = intransitive with an 'extraposed' clause and an oblique argument, the clause linked to the subject. (Comments as for intrExpn above.)
	(Ex. Eng. It depends on you whether he will win)
intrOblExlnk = intransitive with an 'extralinked' clause and an oblique argument. (An extralinked clause is like an extraposed clause except that it is governed by a preposition (thus, substituting it for the expletive does not yield a grammatical construction, in contrast to what would be the case in the assumed ‘deep structure’ of ‘extraposed’ clauses).)
	 (Ex.:Norw. det haster med å rydde ‘it hastens with to tidy’ ~ "it is urgent that it gets tidied up")
intrPrtclOblExlnk = intransitive with an 'extralinked' clause, an oblique argument, and an advparticle. An extralinked clause is like an extraposed clause except that it is governed by a preposition (thus, substituting it for the expletive does not yield a grammatical construction, in contrast to what would be the case in the assumed ‘deep structure’ of ‘extraposed’ clauses).
	 (Ex.: Norw. det ser ut til at han kommer ‘it looks out to that he comes’ ~ “it seems that he comes”)
intrOblSuNrg= intransitive with an oblique (‘extralinked’) clause, where the governee of the oblique is an infinitive which is raising-controlled by the subject. (Same as ‘intrOblRais’.)
	 (Ex. : Norw. 	han later til å komme  	'he appears [to] to come')
intrPrtclOblSuNrg = intransitive with an oblique (‘extralinked’) clause from which an NP has been 'raised', and an adverbial particle. 
	(Ex.:Norw. han ser ut til å komme ‘he looks out to to come’ ~ “he seems to come")
intrSubcoord =  intransitive as first verb of a subcoordination
	(Ex. Norw.: Ola driver og plystrer  'Ola keeps and whistles' ~ “Ola is whistling.”
intrPrtclSubcoord =  intransitive with a particle as first part of a subcoordination
	(Ex. Norw.: Ola driver på og plystrer  'Ola keeps on and whistles' = "Ola keeps on whistling"
trPath = transitive, where the subject or object (indicated in a later slot) is understood in a directional capacity, and a path specification.
	 (Ex.: Eng. Directional Subj: he passed a church along the road 
	     	Directional Obj:  he threw the ball through the window)
trPrtcl = transitive with an adverbial particle. 
	 (Ex.: Norw. Kari fant ut svaret 'Kari found out the answer')
trPresnt = presentational with an NP (object) preceding the 'presented' NP.
	 (Ex.: Norw. det venter ham en ulykke 	'there awaits him an accident'  ~ “an accident awaits him”.)
trAdv = transitive with an obligatory adverbial.
	 (Ex.: Eng. they treated him well)
trExpnSu = transitive with an extraposed clause correlated with the subject, and an argument object.
	 (Ex.: Eng. it impresses me that he can sing)
trExpnOb = transitive with an extraposed clause correlated with the object, and an argument subject.
	 (Ex.: Norw. vi muliggjorde det at han fikk innreisetillatelse 'we possible-made it that he got entrance visa' ~ “we made it possible for him to get an entrance visa.”)
copPred == predicative copular construction, i.e., a construction where the verb has as its main function to tie a subject NP and a predicate together 
	Examples of CL strings:
	(Ex.: Eng. the book is black)
	(Ex.: Eng. the man is a fool)
copLoc = locative copular construction, i.e., a construction where the verb (like yɛ ‘be.at’ in Ga, or aru ‘be.at. in Japanese) has as its main function to tie a subject NP and a locative together, identifying the location of the subject referent.  
       Example of CL string:
       v-copLoc-advAdv - locative copular construction with adverb as adverbial.
copId = identity copular construction, i.e., a construction where the verb ties two referring expressions together expressing identity between their referents.        Examples of CL strings:
       v-copId-idN - identity copular construction with nominal identifier. 
       (Ex.: Norw. dette er mannen 'this is the man'.)
       v-copId-idAbsinf - identity copular construction with infinitival identifier. 
       (Ex.: Norw. oppgaven er å spise silden 'the task is to eat the herring'.)
       v-copId-idDECL - identity copular construction with a declarative clause as identifier. 
       (Ex.: Norw. problemet er at han spiser silden 'the problem is that he eats the herring'.)
       v-copId-idYN - identity copular construction with a yes-no-interrogative clause as identifier. 
       (Ex.: Norw. problemet er om han spiser silden 'the problem is whether he eats the herring'.)
       v-copId-idWH - identity copular construction with a wh-interrogative clause as identifier. 
       (Ex.: Norw. spørsmålet er hvem som spiser silden 'the question is who eats the herring'.)
copExpn =  predicative copular construction with the 'logical subject' extraposed. The predicative can be of many categories, exemplified below.
 	Examples of CL strings:
	(Ex.: Norw. det er trist at han kommer  'it is sad that he comes'; 
	(Ex.: Norw. det er uvisst hvem som kommer 'it is uncertain who comes')
	(Ex.: Norw. det er en skuffelse at han kommer 'it is a disappointment that he comes') 
	(Ex.: Norw. det er et spørsmål hvem som kommer 'it is a question who [that] comes'.)
copImpers = impersonal intransitive, i.e., the subject is an expletive not linked to any other item in the clause, and there is no participant expressed as direct argument.	 
	(Ex.: Eng. it is hot)
copImpersLoc = copula with expletive subject, a predicate and a location/circumstance, and a meaning to the effect that the content of the predicate is instantiated at the location/circumstance.
 	Examples of CL strings:
 	(Ex.:  Norw. 	det er fint i Finnmark  'it is fine in Finnmark’)
 	(Ex.: Norw. det er et helvete i kjelleren 'it’s a hell in the basement’)
intrLghtScpr – see above
trLght = transitive light verb whose complement is an NP expressing an event-type performed (or in other ways operated on) by the subject.
	(Ex. Eng.: he makes progress.) 
intrVid = intransitive together with a verbid phrase, being predicated of the preceding verb phrase, 
	(Ex. Ga:  E-da fe mi ‘3S-grow surpass 1S’ ~ “He is bigger than me.”)
trComp = transitive with a sentential complement
	 (Ex.: Ga:  Ò-bàá-nyɛ́ énɛ́ ó-lá? ‘are you capable of this that you could sing it?’ ~ “Can you sing this?”)
trAtc = transitive with an attributive clause, that is, a clause whose subject has identical reference to the object of the main verb and must be manifested by a pronoun.
	(Ex.: Ga. Mina lɛ ní enyiɛ 'I saw him that he walked' ~ I saw him walking)
trVid = transitive together with a verbid phrase
	 (Ex.: Ga: E-ye loo fe mi '3S-eat meat surpass 1S' ~ ‘She ate more meat than me.’)
ditrVid = ditransitive together with a verbid
	 (Ex. Ga: A-du lɛ kakla yɛ e-sɛɛ '3-pierce 3S knife be.at 3S.POSS-back' ~ ‘He was stabbed in the back.’)	

Core labels with derivation:
intrPs = intransitive resulting from Passive; root transitive
intrApPs = intransitive resulting from Passive following after Applicative (A<P; root intransitive)
intrCsPs = intransitive resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root intransitive)
intrRf = intransitive resulting from Reflexivization; root transitive
intrRp = intransitive resulting from Reciprocization; root transitive
intrSt = intransitive resulting from Stativization; root transitive
intrOblCsPs= intransitive oblique resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root intransitive)
trAp = transitive resulting from Applicative; root intransitive
trCs = transitive resulting from Causativization; root intransitive
trApCs = transitive resulting from Applicative following after Causativization (C<A; root intransitive)
trApPs = transitive resulting from Passive following after Applicative (A<P; root transitive)
trCsPs = transitive resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root transitive)
trCsApPs = transitive resulting from Passive following after Applicative following after Causation (C<A<P; root intransitive)
trRf = transitive resulting from Reflexivization; root ditransitive
trApRf = transitive resulting from Reflexivization following after Applicative (A<Rf; root transitive)
trCsApRf = transitive resulting from Reflexivization following after Applicative following after Causation (C<A<Rf; root intransitive)
trRp = transitive resulting from Reciprocization; root ditransitive
trApRp = transitive resulting from Reciprocization following after Applicative (A<Rp; root transitive)
trCsApRp = transitive resulting from Reciprocization following after Applicative following after Causation (C<A<Rp; root intransitive)
trOblCs = transitive oblique resulting from Causativization; root transitive
ditrAp = ditransitive resulting from Applicative; root transitive
ditrCs = ditransitive resulting from Causativization; root transitive
ditrCsPs = ditransitive resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root ditransitive)
ditrCsApPs = ditransitive resulting from Passive following after Applicative following after Causation (C<A<P; root transitive)
ditrOblCs = ditransitive oblique resulting from Causativization; root ditransitive
ditrOblCsAp = ditransitive resulting from Applicative following after Causativization (C<A; root transitive)
tritrAp = tritransitive resulting from Applicative; root ditransitive
tritrCs = tritransitive resulting from Causativization; root ditransitive
tritrCsAp = tritransitive resulting from Applicative following after Causativizaton (C<A; root transitive)
tritrCsPs = tritransitive resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root ditransitive)
tritrCsApPs = tritransitive resulting from Passive following after Applicative following after Causativization (C<A<P; root ditransitive)
qtrCsAp = quatrotransitive resulting from Applicative following after Causativization (C<A; root ditransitive)
dbobAp = ditrAp = double-object resulting from Applicative; root transitive
dbobCs = ditrCs = double-object resulting from Causativization; root transitive
dbobCsPs = ditrCsPs = double-object resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root ditransitive)
dbobCsApPs = ditrPsApCs = double-object resulting from Passive following after Applicative following Causation (C<A<P; root transitive)
dbobOblCs = ditrOblCs = double-object oblique resulting from Causativization; root ditransitive
dbobOblCsCsAp = ditrOblCsCsAp = double-object resulting from Applicative following after Causativization (C<A; root transitive)
triobAp = tritrAp = triple-object resulting from Applicative; root ditransitive
triobCs = tritrCs = triple-object resulting from Causativization; root ditransitive
triobCsAp = tritrCsAp = triple-object resulting from Applicative following after Causativizaton (C<A; root transitive)
triobCsPs = tritrCsPs = triple-object resulting from Passive following after Causativization (C<P; root ditransitive)
triobCsApPs = tritrCsApPs = triple-object resulting from Passive following after Applicative following Causativization (C<A<P; root ditransitive)
qtrobCsAp = qtrCsAp = quadruple-object resulting from Applicative following after Causativization (C<A; root ditransitive)

Labels for syntactic properties of arguments

suExpl = subject is an expletive.
suNrg = subject is a non-argument.
suDir = object is understood in a directional capacity.
suDECL = subject is a declarative clause.
suYN = subject is a yes-no-interrogative clause.	 
suWH = subject is a wh-interrogative clause.	 
suInf = subject is an infinitival clause.	 
suGer = subject is a gerundive clause.	 
suAbsinf = subject is an infinitival clause with non-controlled interpretation.
suSM = subject is targeted by the verb's subject marking	
suAgr = subject is targeted by the main verb's agreement marking
suAgraux = subject is targeted by the auxiliary verb's agreement marking
suAgrsc = subject is targeted by the secondary predicate’s agreement marking
suNom =  subject has case Nominative
suAcc =  subject has case Accusative
suGen = subject has case Genitive
suDat = subject has case Dative
suErg = subject has case Ergative
suAbsl= subject has case Absolutive
suClit = subject is cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
suObClit = subject and object are cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
suObIobClit = subject and object and indirect object are cliticized (cliticization sites not specified)
suIobClit = subject and indirect object are cliticized (cliticization sites not specified)
suObOb2Clit = subject and object and object2 are cliticized (cliticization sites not specified)
suOb2Clit = subject and object2 are cliticized (cliticization sites not specified)
suDrop = subject is dropped 	 
suObDrop = subject and object are dropped 	 
suObIobDrop = subject and object and indirect object are dropped 
suObOb2Drop = subject and object and object2 are dropped
suIobDrop = subject and indirect object are dropped 
suOb2Drop = subject and object2 are dropped
suUnif = the subject unifies with the verb to determine the verbal meaning
suPossp = the subject has a possessor (NP) phrase as specifier, the relation between the referents of specifier and head not determined.
suBPsuSpec =  the referent of the subject is a bodypart of the referent of the subject’s specifier (literal ex: "his heart", "his head").
suPostp = the subject is a 'postpositional’ nominal phrase; that is, as reflected in the feature structure below, an NP with a spatial-relational noun as head and an NP specifier (literal ex: "his inside, inside him").
suSpecPossp = the subject's specifier has a possessor NP as specifier
 (eg. in Ga: e-tsui naa wa “he is brave”, literally ‘his heart's edge is hard.’)
suPostpSpecPossp (a specialization of suSpecPossp) = the subject is a postpositional phrase whose specifier has a possessor NP as specifier (literal ex: "his head's edge")
suSpecBPsuSpecSpec = the subject’s specifier is a body part of the specifier’s specifier. This is a further specification of the structure exemplified above: ‘heart’, which heads the specifier of the postposition that heads the Noun Phrase, is a body part of its own specifier, ‘his’ (or ‘her’). 
suSpecPostp = the subject's specifier is a postpositional phrase 

obDir = object is understood in a directional capacity.
obArg = object functions as argument relative to the matrix verb.
obPro = object is a pronoun.
obRefl = object is a reflexive pronoun
obReflExpl = object is an expletive reflexive pronoun 
obDECL = object is a declarative clause
obDECLcmp = object is a declarative clause with a complementizer
obDECLbare = object is a declarative clause without a complementizer
obIRR = object is an irrealis clause
obIRRcmp = object is an irrealis clause with a complementizer 
obIRRbare = object is an irrealis clause without a complementizer
obYN = object is a yes-no-interrogative clause.
obWH = object is a wh-interrogative clause.
obOM = object is targeted by the verb's object marking
obAgrsc = object is targeted by the secondary predicate’s agreement marking
obAcc = object is marked Accusative
obGen = object is marked Genitive
obDat = object is marked Dative
obNom = object is marked Nominative
obAbsl = object has case Absolutive
obDef = object is definite	 
obIndef = object is indefinite	 
obAccDef = object is marked Accusative and is definite	 
obAccIndef = object is marked Accusative and is indefinite
obAccDefOM = object is marked Accusative, is definite, and is targeted by the verb's object marking
obClit = object is cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
obIobClit = object and indirect object are cliticized (cliticization sites not specified)
obOb2Clit = object and object2 are cliticized (cliticization sites not specified)
obDrop = object is dropped
obIobDrop = object and indirect object are dropped
obOb2Drop = object and object2 are dropped
obUnif = the object is an 'inherent complement', i.e., unifies with the verb to determine the verbal meaning
obPossp = the object has a possessor (NP) phrase as specifier. (See definition of  suPossp.)
obPostp = the object is a 'postpositional phrase'; that is to say, the object could be analyzed either as (a) a PP with preposition last (giving the name of the label), or, (b) as an NP with a relational noun as head and an NP specifier (literal ex: "his inside"). (See definition of suPostp.)
obBPobSpec =  (the referent of) the object is a bodypart of (the referent of) the specifier of the object (literal ex: "his heart", "his head"). (See definition of suBPspec.)
obSpecBPobSpecSpec = the object’s specifier is a body part of the object’s specifier’s specifier (for example, in amɛ-toi nɔ the head of the object, nɔ, which is a postposition, has has specifier toi ‘ear’, which in turn has a specifier e ‘his’, and ‘ear’ is a body part of ‘his’.
obSpecPossp = the object's specifier has a possessor NP phrase as specifier (literal ex: "his head's edge")
obSpecPostp = the object's specifier is a postpositional phrase 
obPostpSpecPossp (a specialization of obSpecPossp) = the object is a postpositional phrase and has a possessor NP as specifier of its specifier (literal ex: "his head's edge")
obPro = object is a pronoun. Used if for some reason pronominalization is considered integral to the construction.  It is also used to indicate that the verb is transitive, even in instances where the nature of the system of third person pronouns means that the object has no phonetic exponence.
	(Ex. Ga:_ E-na  ‘He saw it.’)
obUnif = object is an 'inherent complement', i.e., unifies with the verb to determine the verbal meaning
obNomvL = object is a nominalization of a verbal expression, in which the verb occurs last, ie, following its arguments.
obSpecNomvL = object’s specifier is a nominalization of a verbal expression, in which the verb occurs last.
(tr-)obEqSuInf = object is an infinitive equi-controlled by subject  
	Ex. Norw. Jeg prøver å komme ’I try to come’
(ditr-)obEqIobInf =  object in a ditransitive construction is an infinitive equi-controlled by indirect object  
	Ex. Norw. Jeg tillater ham å komme ’I permit him to come’
(ditr-)obEqSuInf =  object in a ditransitive construction is an infinitive equi-controlled by subject  
	Ex. Norw. Jeg lover ham å komme ’I promise him to come’
(intrComp-)compEqSuBareinf =  complement is a bare infinitive equi-controlled by subject 
	Ex. Norw. Jeg kan løpe ‘I can run’ (root modal)
(trComp-)compEqObBareinf =  complement is a bare infinitive equi-controlled by object 
	Ex. Norw. jeg ber ham komme ’I ask him (to) come'
	(intrObl-)oblEqSuInf = the governee of the oblique is an infinitive equi-controlled by 	subject.
	(Ex. Norw: han håper på å komme 'he hopes [on] to come'
(trObl-)oblEqObInf = the governee of the oblique is an infinitive equi-controlled by object.
	(Ex. Norw: han bønnfalt meg om å gå
	'he begged me about to go' = “he begged me that I leave”)
obAbsInf = object is a non-controlled (‘absolute’) infinitive.
obAspIDvAsp = (a clausal object:) object’s Aspect is identical to the matrix verb’s aspect.
iobRefl = indirect object is a reflexive pronoun 
iobReflExpl = indirect object is an expletive reflexive.
iobOM = indirect object is targeted by the verb's object marking
iobAcc = indirect object is marked Accusative
iobGen = indirect object is marked Genitive
iobDat = indirect object is marked Dative
iobPostp = the indirect object is a postpositional phrase (literal ex: "his inside").
iobUnif = the indirect object is an 'inherent complement', i.e., unifies with the verb to determine the verbal meaning
iobCl = indirect object is cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
iobDrop = indirect object is dropped
ob2DECLcmp = second object is a declarative clause with complementizer
ob2OM = second object is targeted by the verb's object marking
ob2Acc = second object is marked Accusative
ob2Gen = second object is marked Genitive
ob2Dat = second object is marked Dative
ob2Unif = object2 is an 'inherent complement', i.e., unifies with the verb to determine the verbal meaning
ob2Cl = object2 is cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
ob2Drop = object2 is dropped
ob2AccDef = object2 is marked Accusative and is definite
ob2AccIndef = object2 is marked Accusative and is indefinite
ob2AccDefOM = object2 is marked Accusative, is definite, and is targeted by the verb's object marking
ob2DatDef = object2 is marked Dative and is definite
ob2DatIndef = object2 is marked Dative and is indefinite
ob2DatDefOM = object2 is marked Dative, is definite, and is targeted by the verb's object marking
oblRefl = the governee of the oblique is a reflexive.
oblOM = oblique is targeted by the verb's object marking
oblDECL = the governee of the oblique is a declarative clause.
oblYN = the governee of the oblique is a yes-no-interrogative clause.
oblWH = the governee of the oblique is a wh-interrogative clause.
oblAbsinf = the governee of the oblique is a non-controlled infinitive.
oblPRTOFsu = the referent of the governee of the oblique is interpreted as part-of the referent of the subject.
	(Ex. : Norw.	han fryser på ryggen 'he freezes on the back'  = 'his back is cold” 
oblPRTOFob = the referent of the governee of the oblique is interpreted as part-of the referent of the object.
oblPRTOFiob = the referent of the governee of the oblique is interpreted as part-of the referent of the indirect object.
oblExlnkAbsinf = extralinked is a non-controlled infinitive occurring as governee of an oblique. [An extralinked clause is like an extraposed clause except that substituting it for the expletive does not yield a grammatical construction.]
	(Ex.:Norw. det haster med å rydde  it hastens with to tidy’ = "it’s urgent that it gets tidied")
oblExlnkDECL = extralinked is a declarative clause occurring as governee of an oblique. 
	(Ex.: Norw. det ser ut til at han kommer ‘it looks out to that he comes’ = “it seems that he comes”)
advEndpt = the adverbial constituent indicates an Endpoint
advLoc = the adverbial constituent is a Locative.
advRefl = the adverbial constituent is a PP with a REFL as governee
	(Ex.: Norw. han sølte på seg  ‘he spilled on REFL’)
advTrgt = the adverbial constituent represents the Target of the event.
presDir = presented (NP in presentational) is understood in a directional capacity.
	(Ex.: Norw. det løper en mann   ‘there runs a man’ = “there is a man running”)
scAdj = the secondary predicate (‘sc’) is headed by an adjective
scAdjAgr = the secondary predicate is headed by an adjective which carries an agreement formative
scN = the secondary predicate is headed by a noun
scPP = the secondary predicate is a PP
scPrtcl = the secondary predicate is a particle
scAdv = the secondary predicate is headed by an adverb
scPredprtcl = the secondary predicate is headed by a predparticle
scInf = the secondary predicate is an infinitive clause
scBareinf = the secondary predicate is a bare infinitive clause
scPerf = the secondary predicate is a perfective phrase
scEquat =  the secondary predicate is an equative phrase
compDECL = complement is a declarative clause.
compDECLbare = complement is a declarative clause without complementizer
compYN = complement is a yes-no-interrogative clause.
compWH = complement is a wh-interrogative clause.
compIRR = complement is an irrealis clause
compIRRcmp = complement is an irrealis clause with a complementizer
expnDECL = declarative clause is extraposed.
expnYN =  yes-no-interrogative clause is extraposed.
expnWH = wh-interrogative clause is extraposed.
expnCOND = conditional clause is extraposed.
expnEqInf = equi-controlled infinitive is extraposed.
expnAbsinf = non-controlled infinitive is extraposed.
expnInfabs = non-controlled infinitive is extraposed.
expnHYP = hypothetical clause is extraposed.
expnEQUAT = equative clause is extraposed.
exlnkDECL = declarative clause is extralinked.
exlnkYN = yes-no-interrogative clause is extralinked.
exlnkWH = wh-interrogative clause is extralinked.
exlnkCOND = conditional clause is extralinked.
exlnkEqInf = equi-controlled infinitive is extralinked.
exlnkAbsinf = non-controlled infinitive is extralinked.
ob3OM = object3 is targeted by the verb's object marking
ob3Cl = object3 is cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
ob3Drop = object3 is dropped.
ob4OM = object4 is targeted by the verb's object marking
ob4Cl = object4 is cliticized (cliticization site not specified)
ob4Drop = object4 is dropped

Argument specification reflecting derivational history
For effects of Morphological causativization:
obCsu = ob which would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
obCob = ob which would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
obCob2 = ob which would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
obCiob = ob which would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
obCobl = ob which would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
ob2Csu = ob2 which would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
ob2Cob = ob2 which would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
ob2Cob2 = ob2 which would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
ob2Cobl = ob2 which would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
iobCsu = iob which would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
iobCob = iob which would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
iobCiob = iob which would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
iobCobl = iob which would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
oblCsu = obl which would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
oblCob = obl which would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
oblCob2 = obl which would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
oblCiob = obl which would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
oblCobl = obl which would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation

For the ‘promotional’ part of Passive formation:
suPob = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation
suPob2 = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation
suPiob = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation
suPobl = suwhich would have been obl relative to input of Passive formation
For the ‘promotional’ part of Stative formation:
suSob = su which would have been ob relative to input of Stative formation
For the ‘promotional’ part of Middle formation:
suMob = su which would have been ob relative to input of Middle formation
For the ‘promotional’ part of Applicative formation:
obAobl = ob which would have been obl relative to input of Applicative formation
iobAobl = iob which would have been obl relative to input of Applicative formation
ob2Aobl = ob2 which would have been obl relative to input of Applicative formation
‘Repercussion’ effects:
obUob2 = ob ‘up from’ ob2 (because old ob has disappeared (promoted, deleted,...))
ob2Uob3 = ob2 ‘up from’ ob3 (because old ob2 has disappeared)
ob3Uob4 = ob3 ‘up from’ ob4 (because old ob3 has disappeared)
ob2Dob = ob2 ‘down from’ ob (because a new ob has appeared)
ob3Dob2 = ob3 ‘down from’ ob2 (because a new ob2 has appeared)
ob4Dob3 = ob4 ‘down from’ ob3 (because a new ob3 has appeared)
‘Absorption’ effects:
nilRob = ob is ‘absorbed’ through Reflexivization
nilRPob = ob is ‘absorbed’ through Reciprocization

Iteration of shifts (one operation applied to the output of another):
suPobCsu = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
suPobCob = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
suPobCob2 = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
suPobCiob = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
suPobCobl = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
suPob2Csu = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob2 would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
suPob2Cob = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob2 would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
suPob2Cob2 = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob2 would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
suPob2Ciob = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob2 would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
suPob2Cobl = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob2 would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
suPiobCsu = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation, where this iob would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
suPiobCob = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation, where this iob would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
suPiobCob2 = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation, where this iob would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
suPiobCiob = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation, where this iob would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
suPiobCobl = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation, where this iob would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
suPoblCsu = su which would have been obl relative to input of Passive formation, where this obl would have been su relative to input of Causative formation
suPoblCob = su which would have been obl relative to input of Passive formation, where this obl would have been ob relative to input of Causative formation
suPoblCob2 = su which would have been obl relative to input of Passive formation, where this obl would have been ob2 relative to input of Causative formation
suPoblCiob = su which would have been obl relative to input of Passive formation, where this obl would have been iob relative to input of Causative formation
suPoblCobl = su which would have been obl relative to input of Passive formation, where this obl would have been obl relative to input of Causative formation
suPobAobl = su which would have been ob relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob would have been obl relative to input of Applicative formation
suPob2Aobl = su which would have been ob2 relative to input of Passive formation, where this ob2 would have been obl relative to input of Applicative formation
suPiobAobl = su which would have been iob relative to input of Passive formation, where this iob would have been obl relative to input of Applicative formation
suRAISsuMob =  subject is raised from subject, and before that promoted thereto from object by Middle Formation
obRAISsuMob =  object is raised from subject, and before that promoted thereto from object by Middle Formation

Constellations of referential identity between constituents
suIDobSpecSpec = the subject is identical to the specifier of the specifier of the object
suIDcompSu = the subject is identical to the complement’s subject
suIDobSpec = the subject is identical to the specifier of the object
suSpecIDobSpec = the specifier of the subject is identical to the specifier of the object
suIDobSu = the subject is identical to the subject of the object (the object being a clause)
suIDiobSpec = the subject is identical to the specifier of the indirect object
obPRTOFsu = the referent of the object is interpreted as part-of the referent of the subject.
	(Ex. Ga: E-yɛ tsui '3S-have heart' ~ “He is patient”)
oblPRTOFsu = the referent of the governee of the oblique is interpreted as part-of the referent of the subject.
	(Ex. : Norw. han fryser på ryggen 'he freezes on the back' ~ 'his back is cold” 
obIDatcSu = object is identical to subject of attributive clause
obIDexpnSu = object is identical to extraposed clause’s subject
obIDsuSpec = object is identical to the specifier of the subject
obSpecIDvidObSpec = object’s specifier is identical to Verbid’s object’s specifier
obIDvidObSpec = object is identical to Verbid’s object’s specifier

Serial verbs
sv = svc with two VPs
sv3 = svc with three VPs
sv4 = svc with four VPs
sv_suIDALL = svc with two VPs and shared subject
sv3_suIDALL = svc with three VPs and shared subject 
sv4_suIDALL = svc with four VPs and shared subject 
sv_obIDALL = svc with two VPs and shared object 
sv3_obIDALL = svc with three VPs and shared object 
sv4_obIDALL = svc with four VPs and shared object 
sv_aspIDALL = svc with two VPs and shared aspect 
sv3_aspIDALL = svc with three VPs and shared aspect 
sv4_aspIDALL = svc with four VPs and shared aspect 
sv_suObIDALL = svc with two VPs and shared subject and object 
sv3_suObIDALL = svc with three VPs and shared subject and object 
sv4_suObIDALL = svc with four VPs and shared subject and object 
sv_suAspIDALL = svc with two VPs and shared subject and aspect 
sv3_suAspIDALL = svc with three VPs and shared subject and aspect 
sv4_suAspIDALL = svc with four VPs and shared subject and aspect 
sv_suObAspIDALL = svc with two VPs and shared subject and object and aspect 
sv3_suObAspIDALL = svc with three VPs and shared subject and object and aspect 
sv4_suObAspIDALL = svc with four VPs and shared subject and object and aspect 
v1intr = the first verb in the svc is intransitive
v2intr = the second verb in the svc is intransitive 
v3intr = the third verb in the svc is intransitive 
v4intr = the fourth verb in the svc is intransitive 
v1tr = the first verb in the svc is transitive
v2tr = the second verb in the svc is transitive 
v3tr = the third verb in the svc is transitive 
v4tr = the fourth verb in the svc is transitive 
v1ditr = the first verb in the svc is ditransitive 
v2ditr = the second verb in the svc is ditransitive 
v3ditr = the third verb in the svc is ditransitive 
v4ditr = the fourth verb in the svc is ditransitive 
ev = ev with one preverb and the main verb
ev2 = ev with two preverbs and the main verb
ev3 = ev with three preverbs and the main verb
pv1intr = preverb 1 is intransitive	
pv2intr = preverb 2 is intransitive
pv3intr = preverb 3 is intransitive
pv1tr = preverb 1 is transitive
pv2tr = preverb 2 is transitive
pv3tr = preverb 2 is transitive
pv1suAg = the subject of preverb 1 (PV1) is an Agent
pv1aspPerf = the aspect of PV1 is Perfective
pv2suSM = the subject of PV2 is targeted by subject agreement on the verb
pv2suClit = the subject of PV2 is realized as a cliticized pronoun