POS tag | Tag description | GOLD reference |
ADJ | adjective | Adjectival |
ADJatt | attributive adjective | no match |
ADJC | comparative adjective | ComparativeAdjective |
ADJpret | predicative adjective | no match |
ADJS | superlative adjective | SuperlativeAdjective |
ADV | adverb | no match |
ADVdir | directional adverb | no match |
ADVm | manner adverb | Adverbial |
ADVneg | negative operator | NegationOperator |
ADVplc | place adverb | Adverbial |
ADVtemp | temporal adverb | Adverbial |
ART | article | Article |
AUX | auxiliary | Auxiliary |
CARD | cardinal numeral (e.g.4, sixty-five) | CardinalNumeral |
CIRCP | circumposition | no match |
CL | clitic | Clitic |
CLF | classifier | no match |
CLFnom | nominal classifier | NominalClassifier |
CLFnum | numeral classifier | NumeralClassifier |
CN | common noun | Noun |
COMP | complementiser | Complementizer |
CONJ | conjunction | Connective |
CONJC | coordinating conjunction (e.g. and, or) | CoordinatingConnective |
CONJS | subordinating conjunction (e.g. although, when) | SubordinatingConnective |
CONJSinf | subordinating conjunction (introducing an infinitive clause) | no match |
COP | copula | Copula |
COPident | identity copula | Copulative |
COPloc | locative copula | no match |
COPneg | negative copula | no match |
DEM | demonstrative | Demonstrative |
DET | determiner | Determiner |
EXPL | expletive pronoun | no match |
INTRJCT | interjection | no match |
IPHON | ideophone, onomatopoeia | no match |
MOD | modifier | no match |
N | common noun | Noun |
Nbare | bare noun | Noun |
Ncomm | noun with common gender (Norwegian | Noun |
NE | | no match |
NFEM | feminine noun | Noun |
NMASC | masculine noun | Noun |
NNEUT | neuter noun | Noun |
NNO | noun neutral for number (e.g. data, aircraft) | Noun |
Np | Proper noun | ProperNoun |
Npinst | name of an institution | no match |
Nploc | name of a location | no match |
Npname | personal name | no match |
Nrel | relational noun | no match |
Nspat | spatial noun | no match |
NUM | numeral | Numeral |
NUMpart | partitive numeral | PartitiveNumeral |
ORD | ordinal | OrdinalNumeral |
PN | personal pronoun | PersonalPronoun |
PNabs | absolute pronoun (Bantu) | no match |
PNana | pronominal anaphor | no match |
PNdem | demonstrative pronoun | no match |
PNposs | possessive pronoun | PossessivePronoun |
PNrefl | reflexive pronoun | ReflexivePronoun |
PNrel | relative pronoun | RelativePronoun |
PPOST | postposition | Postposition |
PREP | preposition | Preposition |
PREPdir | directional preposition | no match |
PREPplc | locative preposition | no match |
PREPsel | selected preposition | Selected preposition |
PREPtemp | temporal preposition | no match |
PROint | interrogative pronoun | InterrogativeOperator |
PROPana | propositional anaphor | no match |
PRT | particle | Particle |
PRTexist | existential marker | ExistentialMarker |
PRTinf | infinitive marker | no match |
PRTint | interrogative particle | InterrogativeOperator |
PRTn | nominal particle | NominalParticle |
PRTneg | negative particle | no match |
PRTposs | possessive particle | no match |
PRTpred | predicative particle | no match |
PRTprst | presentational particle | no match |
PRTresp | response words such as, "thanks, please, no, yes..." | no match |
PRTv | verbal particle | VerbalParticle |
PTCP | participle | Participle |
PUL | punctualtion: left bracket -e.g. ( or [ , etc. | no match |
PUN | punctuation:general separating mark -e.g. , ; . ! : ? | no match |
PUQ | punctuation: quotation marks - 'or " | no match |
PUR | punctuation: right bracket - e.g. ) or ], etc. | no match |
QUANT | quantifier | Quantifier |
REL | relative clause marker | no match |
TRUNC | truncation | no match |
V | verb | Verbal |
V1 | first verb in a verbal chain | no match |
V2 | second verb in a verbal chain | no match |
V3 | third verb in a verbal chain | no match |
V4 | fourth verb in a chain | no match |
Vbid | verbbid(Kwa) | no match |
Vcon | converb | no match |
Vdtr | Ditransitive verb | DitransitiveVerb |
Vimprs | impersonal verb | no match |
Vitr | Intransitive verb | IntransitiveVerb |
VitrOBL | intransitive verb with a prepositional object | no match |
Vlght | light verb | no match |
Vmod | modal verb | Modal |
Vneg | negative verb | no match |
Vpre | preverb | Preverb |
Vrefl | reflexive verb | no match |
Vtr | transitive verb | TransitiveVerb |
VtrOBL | transitive verb with a prepositional object | no match |
Vvector | vector verb | no match |
Wh | wh-word | InterrogativeOperator |
XY | non-words such as "JU52" | no match |