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Skrivesenter:Discourse relations

Overall Motivation

Dorothee's Presentation for download

The overall motivation is to create a richly annotated discourse corpus facilitating the analysis of student texts within writing research.

The main perspective taken is that of discourse analysis. Linguistic analysis is helpful, but not our main goal.

A student text is understood as a written discourse, and it is it mainly the argumentation structure of the discourse that we will be annotating.

So far we have identified a couple of Lexically-grounded discourse relations, but also talked about, Anchors and Discourse chains.

Lexically-grounded discourse relations we have listed in the sortable table below:

Lexically grounded discourse relations

Lexically-grounded discourse relations
Sense Grammatical category Connective
condition conjunction hvis
condition conjunction når
goal conjunction for å
sequence/temporal conjunction og[1]
list conjunction og
precedence adverb etterpå
precedence adverb
specification multi-word expression for eksempel
supplement adverb alias
disjunction conjunction eller[1]
temporal conjunction når

Overall Motivation

Dorothee's Presentation for download

The overall motivation is to create a richly annotated discourse corpus facilitating the analysis of student texts within writing research.

The main perspective taken is that of discourse analysis. Linguistic analysis is helpful, but not our main goal.

A student text is understood as a written discourse, and it is it mainly the argumentation structure of the discourse that we will be annotating.

So far we have identified a couple of Lexically-grounded discourse relations, but also talked about, Anchors and Discourse chains.

Lexically-grounded discourse relations we have listed in the sortable table below:

Lexically grounded discourse relations

Lexically-grounded discourse relations
Sense Grammatical category Connective
condition conjunction hvis
condition conjunction når
goal conjunction for å
sequence/temporal conjunction og[1]
list conjunction og
precedence adverb etterpå
precedence adverb
specification multi-word expression for eksempel
supplement adverb alias
disjunction conjunction eller[1]
temporal conjunction når

Sense Tags and their meanings

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Notice that 'og' and 'eller' can combine noun phrases, as in 'pc og mobilen' or verb phrases, as in 'jeg dusjer og fikser meg'. It is the latter case that we are interested in here.
Sense tags and their meanings
Sense tag Meaning Descriptive Definition Example
ASS assert Introduces a (new) topic, normally to be developed in the following sequence <the initial sentence of a text
COM compare Point out similarity or points of correspondence

between two events, ideas, objects or statements

ASSdesc assert through description Introduce a new setting, character or atmosphere of a narrative
ASSnar assert through narration Introduce a new narrative event or action that is not causally or hyponymically related to a previous event or action
CONCES concession
COND condition
CONJ conjunction
CAUS cause Identify the external cause of an event. To be distinguished from reason

or purpose

CONCLD conclude Draw a logical conclusion on the basis of previously

presented premises

EVAL evaluate Make a value judgement, state an opinion or

indicate a preference. Also used to indicate the significance of an object, idea or event previously introduced

META meta-statement Make a statement about the text itself
QUE question Ask a question that will be answered in a

following unit.

RESULT result Indicate an effect, outcome, result or


SUM summarise Make a statement that summarises previous,

more specific statements, without drawing logical conclusions (vs. conclude)

CONTIN contingency
C-EXPECT contra-expectation
CONT contrast Point out difference(s) between two events,

objects or ideas, openly signalled or inferred

DIS disjunction
EX exception
EXPEXT expect
PURP purpose
GEN generalise Make a more general statement that builds

on/includes previous specific statements

JUST justify
JUX juxtapose
LIST list
OPP opposition <how is this different from Contrast?
PRES precedence
REASON reason Indicate the internal reason of an animate subject for some (course of) action or inference
RESTATE restatement Rephrase or repeat a a previous assertion at

approximately the same level of generality

SEQ sequence temporal Indicate the temporal unfolding of a sequence of events or actions
SPEC specify enumeration of specific facts or


SUPP supplement
REACT physical or mental actions Indicates physical or mental actions or change of states of

animates which result from previously introduced actions, events or states. REACT is differentiated from RESULT by being open to choice or idiosyncracy

RESP respond Reply to a question in dialogue (direct, indirect

or inferred)