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{{Source|source=recording|author=|editor=|title=|date/place=|volume/pages=|Olanguage=|ISBN=|publisher=|translanguage=|translator=|onlinedistribution=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= I1qHVVbYG8Y&feature=channel|type=narration|annotator=Sindre Hunnes|contributor=Sindre Hunnes|corpustranslator=Sindre Hunnes|link=http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2135/|article=Transcription format:<br>- One line of transcription, followed by one line of very rough word-by-word translation into English.<br><br>- Elements in square brackets, [], are extra-linguistic elements, such as hesitation, stuttering and so forth. The translation in square brackets then indicate the type of extra-linguistic element, and not the meaning.<br><br>- * indicates a speech error.<br><br>- Capital letters indicate stress, or forceful pronunciation.<br><br>- The letters roughly follow the pronunciation of the IPA, with the following exceptions:<br>Vowels:<br>a - open, mid, unrounded vowel.<br>å - approximately cardinal 6.<br>o - approximately cardinal 8.<br>u - approximately cardinal 18.<br><br>consonants:<br>c - an unvoiced post-alveolar fricative.<br><br><br><br>Transcription:<br><br>filmen bjynde me at, [eeh], der sitte en fyr i en stol atme kattn sin.<br>movie start with that [hesitation], there sit a guy in a chair next-to cat his.<br><br>der e avise, bord, ei lampe, å ei gardin.<br>there be news-paper, table, a lamp, and a curtain.<br><br>kattn ser ei floge å følla ette dn.<br>cat see a fly and follow after it.<br><br>an velta en kåpp me vattn eller kaffe eller nåke sånt.<br>he knock-over a cup with water or coffee or something that.<br><br>så kasta an vekk avisa, å han velta lampa å bore.<br>then throw he away news-paper, and he knock-over lamp and table.<br><br>an *klara [..] klora opp, [eeh], stoln mens han leita etter floga vidare åå soo, [heh] går an vidare til gardnia.<br>he *scrutches [hesitation] scratch up, [hesitation], chair while he look after fly further and then [laughter] go he further to curtain.<br><br>an rive den i stykke, [heh].<br>he tear it in piece, [laughter].<br><br>åå soo, [eh], fåttcette an å håppe ront påå stoln der, [eh], fyrn sitte, da. fyrn søve, å an merka ingenting.<br>and then, [hesitation], continue he to jump around on chair where, [hesitation] guy sit, then. guy sleep, and he notice nothing.<br><br>[eh], kattn håppa ront å ront å ront å ront å ront å ront, åå soo, til slutt så greie an å fange floga.<br>[hesitation], cat jump around and around and around and around and around and around, and then, to end then manage he to catch fly.<br><br>an leika me dn, å såå, ja, de ser nestn ut som an drepe an, men an slår an vel berre bevistlaus.<br>he play with it and then, yes, it look almost out like he kill he, but he hit he well just uncouscious.<br><br>straks floga slutta å bevege sej, så, [eh], bestemma an sej for å, [heh], [eh], jømme sej får dn.<br>as-soon-as fly stop to move it, then, [hesitation], decide he he for to, [laughter], [hesitation], hide he for it.<br><br>[eh], å soo, [em], prøva an å sjå på eigern, eller fyrn å sei, sjå her, ej tok floga, sjå då, sei an.<br>[hesitation], and then, [hesitation], try he to look on owner, or guy and say, look here, I took fly, look then, say he.<br><br>[eh], eigern våknakkje, så kattn teke an opp å legge dn på bryste til eigern, å ser stålt ut.<br>[hesitation], ower wake-not, so cat take he up and put it on chest to owner, and look proud out.<br><br>eigern våknakkje, så daa, prøva an å vekke eigern, men [eh], de serkje ut som at de funka.<br>owner wake-not, så then, try he to wake owner, but [hesitation], it look-not out like that it work.<br><br>så då putta an floga i monn på eigern å då våkna floga, tydelivis, å, [eh], eigern våkna okså, å hosta og svelga, *SVELge floga. <br>so then put he fly in mouth on owner and then awake fly, apparently, and ,[hesitation], owner awake also, and cough and *swallow, SWALLow fly.<br><br>åå, so, [heh], ser kattn veldi stålt ut.<br>and then, [laughter], look cat very proud out.<br><br>eigern ser ikkje så veldi gla ut.<br>owner look not so very happy out.<br><br>å, de e de heile.<br>and, that be the whole.<br><br>mm.<br>yes.}}

Revision as of 13:27, 4 April 2013

Source information
Online distribution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1qHVVbYG8Y&feature=channel