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Talk:Adverbial Conjunction in Konkomba

Revision as of 07:56, 27 February 2010 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Hallo Mary, I was wondering if the following example: ''Uja ngbaan aah finn na, le Uwumbɔr di upii ngbaan dan u chee. When the man awoke God brought the woman to him. '' also e…')

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Hallo Mary,

I was wondering if the following example: Uja ngbaan aah finn na, le Uwumbɔr di upii ngbaan dan u chee. When the man awoke God brought the woman to him. also exist is the database. :-)

It would be so nice to have this examples in a glossed form. --Dorothee 07:56, 27 February 2010 (UTC)