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    <search sroffset="10" />
    <searchinfo totalhits="11" />
      <p ns="0" title="Rundt" snippet="#REDIRECT [[Classroom:NTNU, LING1113 (2009) The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;ing of &#039;&#039;Rundt&#039;&#039;]]&#10;" size="70" wordcount="8" timestamp="2014-08-01T18:45:20Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Ovenfor" snippet="#REDIRECT [[Classroom:NTNU, LING1113 (2009) - The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;ing o &#039;&#039;Ovenfor&#039;&#039;]]&#10;" size="73" wordcount="9" timestamp="2014-08-01T18:47:52Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="På" snippet="#REDIRECT [[Classroom:NTNU, LING1113 (2009) - Motion and Space - The &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;ing of &#039;&#039;På&#039;&#039;]]&#10;" size="89" wordcount="14" timestamp="2014-08-01T18:49:08Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Mellom" snippet="...år mellom to hus&amp;quot;, which &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;the girl stands between two houses&amp;quot;. This &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s that the located object, the girl, is &amp;quot;mellom&amp;quot; or in English &amp;quot;between&amp;quot; two&#10;" size="277" wordcount="46" timestamp="2009-05-26T00:18:06Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Overfor" snippet="...can be used for example in the sentence &amp;quot;De stod overfor hverandre&amp;quot;, which &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;they stood face to face to each other&amp;quot;. Here the two objects are both loc&#10;" size="305" wordcount="54" timestamp="2009-04-22T22:33:35Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Manner" snippet="&#039;smalt&#039; would here &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt; that there is a much higher intensity in the way in which in window is open&#10;" size="335" wordcount="59" timestamp="2009-04-22T22:28:28Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Posteriority" snippet=" &amp;quot;bak&amp;quot; to indicate a physical location; &amp;quot;Mannen står bak huset&amp;quot;, which &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;the man stands behind the house&amp;quot;. Here the located object is &amp;quot;mannen&amp;quot; and&#10;&amp;quot;Gruppen stod bak opprøret&amp;quot;, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;the group stood behind the revolt&amp;quot;. It expresses that the group were the &#10;" size="1764" wordcount="291" timestamp="2009-04-22T22:23:29Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Anteriority" snippet="If we say in Norwegian &amp;quot;Clare stands in front of the museum&amp;quot; we &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt; that from the viewer&#039;s point of view Clare is standing in front of it, and &#10;...ce we could have the sentence &amp;quot;Hun valgte sjokolade fremfor iskrem&amp;quot;, which &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;she chose chocolate rather than ice cream&amp;quot;. So in this sentence we have a&#10;" size="2484" wordcount="435" timestamp="2009-04-22T22:22:25Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Inntil" snippet=" laterality in Norwegian. An example; &amp;quot;en gutt sitter inntil en sykkel&amp;quot;, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;a boy sits beside a bike&amp;quot;. We have a physical location here and lateralit&#10;" size="346" wordcount="57" timestamp="2009-04-22T22:32:10Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="NTNU, LING 1113 (2009) - Exteriority" snippet="...he above discussion of &#039;udenfor&#039; and &#039;uden for&#039; looks at the difference in &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;ing introduced by the intransitive versus a the transitive use of this  spac&#10;&amp;quot;Han står utenfor huset&amp;quot; which &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;mean&lt;/span&gt;s &amp;quot;He stands outside the house. The located object is &amp;quot;han&amp;quot; and the referenc&#10;" size="3545" wordcount="601" timestamp="2010-01-10T17:09:24Z" />